All cats carry certain obligations for the responsible pet owner. Cats aren’t groomed in the same way that dogs or other pets are groomed. There is a little extra work involved with keeping them looking good and clean. Read on to find more things cat owners should know.
Keep your drapery cords out of the reach of your cat. If your cat plays with looped drape cords, they could get caught around its neck, which presents a suffocation hazard. This could hurt or kill them. Hang your drapery cords out of your cats’ sight to avoid this.
Cats enjoy getting into small spaces. If your cat is such a curious one, wearing a collar is a safety risk, as your feline might get stuck because of it while exploring. Breakaway collars are designed to release in these situations. Your cat can preserve a few of his nine lives with this.
Heated tiles are great to put under a cat bed, especially for the comfort of aging felines. You should heat a terra cotta tile with your oven, at about 200 degrees, for around fifteen minutes. Wrap this in a towel that’s old and then place it under the bed the cat sleeps on. If necessary, change this out every few hours.
Be sure your cat gets regular checkups at the vet. They should go in for a routine check-up at least once a year, possibly more if they need important shots. Cats should go to a vet immediately if they have any conditions, health problems, or injuries that need to be tended to right away.
Flea Products
Don’t give a cat a dog’s product. Cats will react very negatively to any products intended for dogs. Be very careful with the flea products you use. These dog flea products can even cause feline death. You need to separate your pets when you treat them for fleas.
Use bitter apple on your electric cords to keep your kitty away from them. Cords should be covered, especially if your cat tends to chew on them. An inexpensive way to hide electrical cords is to thread them through used paper towel rolls. If you have electrical cords laying out that are not being used, put them away as cats can play with them and then move on to live electrical cords.
Your kitty’s litter box requires strategic placement. You shouldn’t keep it near your pet’s food, and you shouldn’t keep it in an area people walk through a lot. Choose an area that is well-ventilated to avoid bad smells. Both you and your pet will appreciate that.
Cats love to be clean. If the cat has longer hair, it can be the cause of hairballs. Buy special food in order to help that problem. Certain cat foods are formulated to lower the amount of hairballs.
Be careful if you leave a kitten with a young child. If children are younger than five years old, pets ought not be left with them. They simply lack the maturity to comprehend the harm they can potentially do to kittens. Wait until your child gets older, and pay close attention to whether or not they’re mature enough to hold or handle a tiny pet.
You shouldn’t be training your cats for litter box use. This comes quite naturally to them and is not something that is learned. You may have heard that rubbing your cat;s paws in litter will help them learn, but that may have a traumatizing effect.
Litter Box
Don’t punish cats for making messes outside the litter box. If your cat makes a mess, it’s probably because their litter box is not properly cared for. Punishing the cat will only make him afraid to be around you in the future.
If you want to buy a second cat, prepare for some time where the cats will be familiarizing themselves with each other. They may fight with each other initially. Over time, though, they will learn to tolerate each other and eventually form a close bond.
It is important for a cat to have play time. As a matter of fact, exercise is crucial for all animals. Although older cats won’t be as active as younger cats, they still need a little exercise. Enjoy some playtime with your cat.
Think about extra care before you take home a cat with long hair. Long-haired cats shed constantly, and the fur ends up on your clothing, floors, and everything else in your home. Unless you have time to dedicate to cleaning up their fur, don’t get long haired cats. Also, give them the right food which is anti-hairball.
Be aware of your cat stopping their litter box usage. Your cat might have a hard time using the litter box because of a health condition. If your cat is not using the litter, kidney or bladder problems and infections may be the problem. If your pet stops using the litter box then see your veterinarian.
Make sure your cat stays inside as much as it can, near to both its home and its owner. Indoor cats live longer than others allowed to walk around the neighborhood freely. You should go outside with your cat every day to play and exercise.
Keep your cat on a diet of dry food if at all possible. Kittens need the wet food, however, due to their small teeth. When they grow, they need to eat dry food to have stronger teeth. A picky cat might like dry and wet food mixed together.
Whenever your cat has been properly groomed, it will look incredible. With proper care, your cat will enjoy a long and healthy life as your companion. Any grooming efforts you take will be appreciated by your cat. Use this article to learn how to do that.