Purring like a motor in a car. These are what you can expect when owning a cat. But these kitties can be a total handful though. You need this post to help. The tips in this article will help you keep your cat purring away for years to come. Continue onward.
Keep your drapery cords out of the reach of your cat. If the cat becomes caught in a loop, they could choke to death. This could really hurt or possibly kill them. It is highly recommended that you keep all drape cords pinned in such a way that the cat can’t see them so as to prevent any accidents.
You need to take your pet to the vet on a regular basis. Your vet can give you an idea of your cat’s overall health, in addition to administering any shots it may need. For the most consistent pet care, choose one veterinarian and stick with them. This also allows the vet to become more familiar with your cat’s unique health needs and personality.
Deter cats from shocking themselves on electrical wires by spraying them with bitter apple. Cats who love to chew need to be kept away from cords. You can hide away any cords inside the rolls that come inside paper towels. Electronic items with tasty-looking, thin cords (video game controllers, phone chargers, and so on) should be stored securely when you’re not using them.
Cats can really scratch up your home. If you have problems with a cat that shreds furniture, invest in a durable scratching post. They can scratch the post instead. It might take a little while, but eventually it should stop the problem.
It can be hard to prevent your cat from jumping on the counter. Cats like to be up high, where they can watch everything going on. To help prevent your cat from doing this, you can establish tall places specifically for your cat. An excellent tool for preventing your cat from jumping on the counter is a cat tower that is in the kitchen.
Get a microchip for your cat. Even an indoor cat may find a way out of your home. Collars or tags can identify your cat, but cats can wiggle out of those, and they are also at risk of getting hung up on something. Your name and the best way to contact you can be encoded on the chip, which is tiny. All shelters and vets have scanners to ensure your cat gets home safely.
Find cat medicine online if you want to get discounts. In some situations, you may not have the choice to purchase meds over the Internet, such as a health emergency. If you regularly need to buy pet medication, you can get a savings of up to 50 percent online.
High areas are ideal for cats. To make your cat really happy, give it a place to safely survey its area. If a cat tree is not in your future, providing a stable shelving unit with no small items on it will do very well. Providing a blanket or bed for your cat is an extra treat for them.
Let your cat get comfortable using a carrier. Understand that cats don’t react to punishment as well as dogs. Encouragement is a much better strategy. Place a loved blanket and favorite toy into a carrier and then leave the door open. Make sure it’s in an area that the cat frequents. Over time, the cat will feel comfortable and go inside the carrier. Let it happen naturally or with only mild coaxing. Do not get angry. This makes transporting much easier.
Go pick yourself up one of those water fountains for cats. Wild cats like to drink flowing water, and domestic cats are the same. Cats usually like to drink from a water stream. Cats often like the running water more than their own bowl of water. A drinking fountain will be good for the environment and can help the cat to enjoy its water more.
If you notice your cat is urinating a lot or at improper places, you should take it to the vet. Cats may show this behavior if they develop an infection of the urinary tract, or some other health issue. Inexpensive antibiotics generally clear this right up.
Play is an important part of a cat’s life. As a matter of fact, exercise is crucial for all animals. Even a mature cat that isn’t as spry anymore it still loves to play around. Play with your cat, and you’ll both have fun.
Litter Box
Where did you put the litter box? It is temping to put it someplace where the odor will not be noticed. The cat has to be able to easily access the box. To satisfy a cat’s demanding requirements, the litter box needs to be sited somewhere convenient and comfortable. If the littler box is on cold, hard floor, try placing a rug beneath it.
If your cat is pregnant, make sure she has plenty of room to give birth. Understand that a female cat will require three or four hours in order to give birth to every kitten. If it’s been over 6 hours and you think there are more kittens inside, they need to see a vet immediately.
Make sure your cat stays inside as much as it can, near to both its home and its owner. Indoor cats typically live longer than those who live outside. Roaming around the house doesn’t cause as much risk as roaming the wild.
Now that you have read this article, you can better take care of your cat. This will ensure you are an effective cat owner. A well-cared for cat is much happier where you can both can enjoy a better relationship. Experiment with these tips and see for yourself.