Dogs have been very popular pets for many years. Because dogs are considered to be “man’s best friend”, it is obvious that owning a dog can be a wonderful thing. If you get a dog, it is your responsibility to make sure it is properly taken care of. Here are some tips to help you to know what you can do to ensure your dog is a healthy dog.
It’s very important to make sure that your home is safe for a dog. Before you bring a new dog home, make sure the whole area is safe. Put up all of your cleaning supplies and medications, and be sure you put away any trash cans. Many common household plants are poisonous, so keep them away from your dog or get rid of them.
It is fine to hug your dog, but avoid those wet kisses. While those sloppy kisses may be cute, be aware that your dog’s mouth is apt to be crawling with germs and bacteria. After all, dogs eat out of the garbage, drink from toilet bowls, and lick all over their body. Many people say that dogs have cleaner mouths than people. This is simply false.
Avoid giving your dog scraps from your table. If you do, he will hang around you constantly wanting more every time you eat. Your dog may also stop eating his own food as much. In addition, table scraps are simply not good for your dog’s health. They can cause obesity and other problems. While you and your family dine, keep your dog in another room so that table-feeding isn’t an option.
Train your dog in your backyard or home, as these are safe, convenient areas. It’s never good to try and train your pet when there are quite a few people around. Your dog could become distracted and will be tougher to teach.
Ask your vet how much food your dog should get every day. Even though many people stick to the label on the can or package of the dog’s food, sometimes these guidelines might not work for the type of dog that you have. This could lead to your dog becoming obese. Your vet will know how much to feed your particular dog.
If your dog behaves badly, correct the behavior immediately. If you ignore it, it will be hard to contain it later. The dog may harm somebody, even you, so control them.
If you buy a new dog, set up a vet appointment as soon as possible. As soon as you bring your new dog home, make an appointment with your vet. The vet will examine your dog. Speak with a vet about getting your dog neutered or spayed since there is a massive dog overpopulation problem that you don’t need to add to.
Teach your dog the right way to walk with a leash. Your dog should know how to heel and not behind you or ahead of you. Walking in this manner keeps your dog safe, and you are bound to enjoy walks more as well. This command will be very useful if you walk your dog while keeping the leash very loose.
Your dog should not be left outside for the entire day. Lots of folks do this, but it’s bad because dogs need constant attention. A dog with no companions can feel very isolated and stressed out if he is left alone outside. If you’re area is experiencing rain or snow, you’ll need to bring your dog inside to prevent your dog from getting ill.
Certain dogs are prone to medical conditions and make yourself aware of this before selecting a dog. Check out their heritage and try to prevent problems that you know they’re prone to. Your vet will be able to tell you how you can help your pet prevent illness that it is prone to getting.
Your dog needs plenty of affection. Like a lot of things, people notice bad behavior more often that good behavior. This could lead to trouble down the line. Give your dog positive reinforcement every time they do something right. Your dog will be far more likely to try to behave properly.
If your female dog is in heat be cautious – she could very easily become pregnant. Male dogs can tell your dog is in heat when they are five miles away. She could also cause fighting among other dogs, along with becoming pregnant with an unwanted litter of unknown origin.
Get into pet politics! Keep an eye on legislation that might regulate or restrict your rights as a dog owner. This is just motivated by some bad apples or a certain breed. Stand up for your rights!
If you are getting a second dog as a companion for one that you already have, consider taking your current dog along when you make your final selection. Dogs are quite social, though not all get along well. Finding a dog that gets along well with your current pet will be best for everyone in the long run.
Your dog might be contained outdoors, but he needs as much of your attention as any indoor dog. The dog could get bad habits still such as chewing, digging, or even barking if you don’t pay attention to it. This may also make the dog more aggressive. Love him and play with him to avoid these problems.
Monitor your dog’s diet and eating habits. A puppy is fine with eating calorie-laden food, as it helps him grow. But, adults dogs who eat these foods tend to gain weight, leading to health issues.
Be very firm in your commands. Dog owners often feel that it is no big deal to sneak foods to their pets or allow them to destroy certain toys. This is very common when dogs are cute little puppies. However, if you are firm, you will not have any accidents. In this way, your dog will always know what to expect, and you will not be surprised by unacceptable behaviors.
Your responsibility is to care for your dog and meet its needs. It is easier when you have good information. By applying these tips, you’re dog will be happier.