Cats are in a class of their own when it comes to animals. They are by far one of the best pets for the home. A cat will bring joy to your household and also help you get rid of rodents and other pests. People often underestimate how helpful a kitty can be, and how much one can do to get rid of pests.
Cats need a certain amount of grooming to stay healthy and presentable. Remember to brush your cat’s fur and comb it regularly. This can keep them clean. It also stops hairballs. Keeping your cat nicely groomed will keep him and your home looking their best.
Cats really enjoy squeezing into any and all small spaces. Cats that wear collars are at risk should they become stuck somewhere cramped. Breakaway collars are designed to release in these situations. This kind of collar can turn a potentially-dangerous situation into a merely exasperating one.
Putting a warm tile beneath the bed of an older cat will help it rest comfortably. Put a square foot of terra cotta tile into your oven heated to 200 degrees. Keep the tile in the oven for about 15 minutes. Wrap this in a towel that’s old and then place it under the bed the cat sleeps on. Change it regularly if you need to.
Make sure you purchase medicines and treatments specifically for cats. Your cat will have a bad reaction to anything that has been specifically formulated for a dog. This warning applies to products for getting rid of fleas. Dog products that are flea related can kill a cat. You should keep your cats and dogs separated after using a flea treatment.
Keep your cat from having a shocking experience by spraying electrical cords with bitter apple. Keep your cords covered if you feel like your cat is hellbent on chewing them. You can do this by bundling them and tucking them in the cardboard rolls that are used for paper towels. If you have rarely used electronics, put them up when you aren’t using them.
A cat’s claws can do significant damage to your home and belongings. Think about a scratching post or kitty tower if your cat’s claws become a problem. Entice them to scratch those items rather than your belongings. It might take time, but eventually you will see that the damage to your furniture is diminished.
Become Bored
It’s important that you don’t forget your cat and allow them to become bored too easily. They need exercise and they get it through play. Unfortunately, a lot of cat owners neglect this. Cats who become bored often have issues that can affect them in a big way. Some of these issues are obesity due to eating out of boredom, OCD issues, fighting with other pets and depression. Give them plenty of space to roam and provide them with toys to give them some exercise. If your cat is an indoor cat, a cat tower or scratching post makes an ideal source of fun and exercise.
The cat’s litter box should be placed in the right spot. The litter box should not be kept in an area with a lot of traffic. In addition, it does not need to be near the cat’s food. Additionally, don’t make the mistake of putting it in a poorly-ventilated area, or the smell will become overpowering. Both you and your cat will be happier.
You will often find ways to save money on medication for your cat on the Internet instead of getting it from your vet. There may be times when you cannot purchase medication online, such as in an emergency; however, monthly medication, such as flea medicine, can be bought online. But if you have to regularly buy pet medicine, you can save 50% or more on some medicines by buying online.
Don’t leave a kitten with small kids. Never leave a pet alone with a child who is any younger than five. A child of that age doesn’t realize when they are being too rough with a pet. Once the child grows up a little, he might be more able to handle the kitten.
If your cat relieves itself somewhere other than its litter box, it shouldn’t be punished. Usually, this sort of thing happens when the box isn’t being tended to properly. Punishing your cat may cause him to become afraid of you or their litter box.
High quality cat food is important to your cat. Look over the ingredients in the food, and be sure there is some kind of a protein source in the food. Try to avoid foods that consist of corn, or other non-protein elements. Cats in the wild are meat eaters, and domestic cats need meat to ensure optimum health.
Is there cat hair everywhere? Since cats shed so much, they need to be frequently brushed. The more your cat sheds, the more often you want to give them a good brushing. Frequent brushing or combing keeps the cat from getting a tangled, matted coat.
Litter Box
Put some thought into where you place the litter box. It might be tempting to have it in a hidden area where you can’t see it or smell it. The litter box should be somewhere that is easy for your cat to get to, however. It has to be a quiet area with little traffic. If the box is placed on a cold floor, place a mat under it.
Cats aren’t the same as owning a dog or other pet; however, the rewards to be had can be greater for you. Compared to dogs, cats will almost always be more successful in their hunting attempts. With so much going for them, the cat’s popularity is easy to see.