In the post adoption phase, many issues arise between cats and families. Never purchase a cat before you plan in advance. Sometimes problems will arise no matter what you do. This article will help you to be a more responsive and responsible cat owner.
Cats love to get into tight, small spaces. If they have a collar on, this might prove to be a safety risk if they happen to get stuck. Breakaway collars are designed to release in these situations. This could help save your cat if it gets caught in a tight spot.
Take your cat to the vet regularly to make sure they remain in good health. Cats need routine shots and wellness checks just like people. If a condition, illness, or injury happens, your cat should be taken to the vet immediately.
It is a good idea to microchip your cat. Indoor cats could run out your door or jump out the window. Other measures like tags and collars are better than nothing, but your cat may wriggle out of them or they may be torn off by outdoor hazards. A microchip will hold the contact information to reach you and it’s only about as big as a piece of rice. They are impossible for your pet to lose, and most vets and shelters have equipment that can read these chips.
You should never allow your cat to be bored all the time. Cats need to play and get regular exercise. This is sadly overlooked by some cat owners. Bored cats can suffer from depression, extreme compulsive disorders, and other harmful issues that can negatively impact their overall health and well-being. Give them plenty of room to exercise and a wide selections of toys. Be sure your cat has something they can climb and something they can scratch if they stay inside.
Crystals in the urine, an issue many male cats have, can be avoided with the proper food. Passing those crystals hurts and having this corrected by a vet is expensive. Look for foods that are low in magnesium for your cat. Take a look at the food’s label. Foods that contain fish usually have more magnesium.
You should think again before allowing your cat to go outside. This can be something that isn’t very safe for a cat. They may acquire fleas or much worse things. Other animals and vehicles could also injure your cat. Cage in an area for a cat in your backyard if they must go outside.
Do you have both a dog and a cat? A dog may enjoy eating your cat’s food when he has the chance to do so. Therefore, your cat’s food bowl should be placed in a high location that is out of your dog’s reach. This can prevent squabbles over water when their food is gone.
If your cat does not use the litter box, do not use punishments to try to discipline him. Improper box care on your part causes the mess, not the cat. If your pet is punished, you won’t do anything but make it afraid of you.
Feed your cat a few different varieties of food. This can help him not get too finicky. This will ensure that your cat gets a taste of many different foods.
While a torn up scratching post might look unattractive, do not get rid of it. It’s in this condition that cats tend to love it the most. If you throw it away, you may find your cat scratching on other surfaces.
Purchase high quality food for your cat. Read the ingredients, and make sure a source of protein, like fish or chicken, is near the top. Try to avoid foods that consist of corn, or other non-protein elements. Cats are naturally carnivorous. If you want to keep them healthy and happy, you need to feed them plenty of animal protein.
Cats need to have play in their life. In fact, play is a common activity for all mammals, including people and cats, no matter their age. An aging cat may not have as much energy as a kitten, however it will still enjoy a little light playtime. Make sure you and your cat are thoroughly enjoying each other.
A long-haired cat comes with a great deal of extra care. The hair may be a gorgeous thing to behold, but it will require a lot of maintenance. You must be willing to spend more time cleaning your home. Long-haired cats are also more prone to hairballs.
Keep your cat’s vaccinations and checkups up to date with the vet. Just like with having kids, young cats need to be checked on to see if they’re doing okay from time to time. It also needs its shots so that you can avoid problems later on down the road. When you have a cat, it becomes a member of your family, so you’ll want to ensure that it’s as healthy as possible.
Cats will smell changes around their home. This can cause problems when making changes in diet and surroundings. Your cat will probably not like these items immediately; therefore, be patient. Your cat will begin using it as soon as he is used to its smell.
If you have a cat with frequent hair ball problems, and brushing has provided no relief, the following tips might be useful. You can try adding a teaspoon or so of pumpkin to your cat’s food. Add in an extra spoonful of water if the mixture is too thick. Cat food sometimes has an anti hairball formulation, which includes extra fiber in order to solve this issue.
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Your cat isn’t immune to the family illnesses. You will probably be able to tell if your cat isn’t at 100 percent. If so, be sure and make an appointment with your vet. This is the best way to rule out any serious illnesses.
These tips can work on cats of all breeds and ages. There are several concepts involved when you raise a little cat, however, the way these are applied differs from one circumstance to the next. The number one thing you should do is enjoy having your cat around.