A cat’s purr is a beautiful sound. The sound can relax you, and it seems that it creates a peaceful feeling for your cat. This is the reason why you need to take good care of your cat and to keep him happy. If you want to encourage that peaceful purring in your home, read here about some ways to foster good health and happiness in your feline companion.
Use bitter apple on your electric cords to keep your kitty away from them. If your cat still prefers to chew on cords, then you have to make sure they stay covered. You can bundle loose cords together and place them inside paper towel rolls. Any electronic item not in use should be stored away where the cat can’t get to it.
Your cat’s claws can wreck havoc on your furniture. If you have problems with a cat that shreds furniture, invest in a durable scratching post. Encourage your cat to scratch where you want them to. Be patient, it might take some time for your cat to learn to use the post or tower.
Generally, cats love to stay on the counter. Cats naturally love heights so they can easily see everyone and everything. Provide your cat with a few high places it can uses. If you place a cat tower around the kitchen area, they may be less likely to lay on your counters.
Cats will be up during the night more often than not. Do not be surprised if your cat is very active at night. If your cat is keeping you up at night, you should close the door to your bedroom. This will reduce the frequency that they wake you up.
Why is your cat meowing? If you stay around a cat for a period of time you will figure out what their verbal cues mean. A meow could signal anything from hunger to a desire for affection. Pay attention to her cues, and you can understand your cat that much more.
Do you have dogs and cats? Dogs take every opportunity they can get to eat the cat’s food. This is why it is necessary to have two separate feeding areas. This will help you to be sure that the animals won’t fight over the water either after they’ve eaten all their food.
Do not attempt to teach your cat how to use the litter box. This should come naturally for your cat. You cannot teach it to do this. A common misconception is to rub your cats paws into the kitty litter however this isn’t a good idea.
If your cat does not use the litter box, do not use punishments to try to discipline him. Usually this is a sign that you haven’t cleaned the box recently. If you get mad, they’ll never use the box again.
If you offer a variety of foods to your cat, it will be less picky about what it eats. If you feed them only one type of food, they may refuse to eat anything else. However, stick with the same brand, and just vary the flavors because cats can have stomach problems if you vary the food too much.
Drinking Fountain
Purchase a drinking fountain for your cat. A cat will always drink from running water if possible. Normally, cats much prefer water that comes out in a stream. Running sink water is another alternative that you can use. A drinking fountain provides a more natural and environmentally friendly way for your cat to drink.
Be patient with your pets when you introduce a second cat into your home. There will be an inevitable adjustment period as your two cats get to know each other. In the early days, you may see a lot of posturing from the cats including hissing and swatting at each other. After a bit of time, you’ll have two cats that will tolerate, and possibly enjoy, each other.
If you want your cat to live a long, healthy life, be sure he gets his shots when he is supposed to an take him for a yearly check-up. Cats need regular checkups, just like humans. Your cat will be a part of your home and that means it should be treated as good as you would treat a family member.
If a cat is about to give birth, provide them an area that’s spacious. The kittens will arrive within three or four hours, so try to be patient. If the birth takes an excessively long time or you believe a kitten is stuck inside, an immediate visit to the veterinary hospital is essential.
There are things you can eat that your cat cannot. These include garlic, grapes, green tomatoes and onions. Your cat can get sick after eating these foods. Milk can too. It can give your cat stomach pains.
Chemicals that have phenol in the should not be used around a cat. Many household cleaners, like Pine-Sol and Lysol, contain this chemical. The smell is offensive to cats, and prolonged exposure can lead to liver problems.
Be on the lookout for panting in cats. For dogs, panting is completely normal. If a cat is panting, it might indicate simple anxiety or overheating. On the other hand, it may a symptom of a more serious health problem. Make sure you contact a vet, especially if your cat has had respiratory problems in the past.
Make sure your cat does not get more food than it needs to prevent health problems. Overfeeding your cat may cause it to become obese and develop serious medical issues. Don’t overfeed your cat and ensure that his diet is healthy.
A purring cat is a happy, healthy cat. Cats are great creatures to have around and the tips in the above article should help you to deal with having one. If you want to hear your cat purr more, give these tips a try.