Cats are fascinating pets. Cats are very independent and can entertain themselves to some extent if you are often busy. Use the things that this article will teach you, and you’re going to have a cat that is happy and healthy throughout its life.
If your cat is female, it is very important that she be spayed when the vet feels she is old enough. You may believe that this is unnecessary if your cat stays inside all the time; however, cats almost always find a way to get outside, especially when they are in heat. When this occurs, your cat could get pregnant. Your best bet is to have your female cat spayed.
If a cat is outdoors frequently, they need a collar that has a tag. This way, if your cat gets lost and is found by a stranger, that person will know how to contact you. You have to be sure you have your pet’s name and number written on the tag.
Many times, cat meds can be purchased on the internet for less than they’d cost if you got them from your vet. In emergency situations, buying online may not be a good option. But, if you’re having to buy pet medication regularly, you will be able to save up to half the price if you buy online.
Reconsider having an outdoor cat. This can be something that isn’t very safe for a cat. Your cat may get fleas or something even worse than that. It can also be potentially hurt by cars, people or other animals. If you must let your cat outside, do so in a very small area of your backyard or lawn.
Do you have dogs and cats? Dogs take every opportunity they can get to eat the cat’s food. For this reason, you need to place your cat’s bowl in an area that is to high for a dog to reach. This also ensures that there are no squabbles over the water between the two, when the food is gone.
Don’t get mad at your cat if it urinates outside the litter box. Usually, this sort of thing happens when the box isn’t being tended to properly. It isn’t fair to punish a cat for wanting a clean area to do its business, and you don’t want to make the cat wary of you.
Take time to train your cat to go into a car carrier. You cannot punish a cat the same way you would a dog. They prefer encouragement instead. Put a favorite blanket and toy in the carrier and leave it open somewhere the cat frequents. Over time, the cat will feel comfortable and go inside the carrier. Let it happen naturally or with only mild coaxing. Do not get angry. This will make getting the cat inside easier later.
Get your cat a drinking fountain. Most cats will prefer drinking water that is running over drinking water in a bowl. Cats usually like to drink from a water stream. In fact, some cats prefer running sink water to their own water bowls. Drinking fountains are more environmentally-friendly and they let your cat drink naturally.
If your cat is urinating a lot or in areas away from the litter box, they may need to see the vet. This may be a symptom of an infection of the urinary tract or another health problem in your cat. Certain antibiotics prescribed by your vet can clear up the problem.
Make sure play time is an important part of your cat’s life. All mammals love to play. Even a mature cat that isn’t as spry anymore it still loves to play around. Play with your cat and give them the fun time it needs.
Dogs let you know when they are excited and/or happy when they wag their tails. Cats move their tails too, but it’s not for the same reason. A cat that is flicking its tail is either feeling threatened or predatory and is considering his next move. If while being held by you your cat’s tail begins to wag, you may want to put him down so that you are not scratched or hit.
Avoid using phenol-containing chemicals if you have cats. This is a chemical that is normally found in Lysol, Pine-Sol and other household cleaners. Not only is the smell offensive to cats, but exposing them to this chemical for prolonged periods of time can lead to problems with their liver.
Do not overfeed your cat since this can lead to a lot of health issues in the future. Eating a lot more than normal can lead to your cat becoming obese and developing a serious illness. Do not overfeed your cat and follow your vet’s recommendations on the types of foods to feed him.
Reconsider before you let your cat have table scraps as treats. The additives in human food may not agree with your cats’ digestive system. If you wish to treat them, try giving them a tablespoon of cooked beef or chicken, or even a bit of egg. So long as you are feeding your cat the correct food according to their weight and age, their diet is good.
Consider leaving your cat indoors most of the time. Outdoor cats usually do not live as long, and they are at higher risk in contracting many diseases. Some cat diseases can be transmitted to humans. Let your cat rest in a room with a lot of light; this will help satisfy his or her outdoor needs.
Due to their affectionate nature, their self-reliance, and their brains, cats are excellent animal companions. If you are responsible, you should educate yourself about caring for your kitty properly. You should use the tips you read in this article to look after your beloved new cat. Do this to ensure your cat has an enjoyable life.