Does a cat reside in your home? If so, then you understand just how precious it is. Cats need a ton of care. However, you are more than capable of meeting your cat’s needs. This article will provide great advice on how to properly care for your cat.
Keep your cat groomed. Cats must be brushed and groomed frequently. This will keep your cat’s coat clean. Removing excess hair also reduces shedding and can prevent hairballs. Your cat should be kept groomed so that they look great and you’ll also make your home look good.
Though things may appear to be fine, you should always schedule regular medical checkups for your feline pet. Cats require special shots to prevent illness and the vet can check their overall health. It is best to always take your cat to the same veterinarian. This person will be more knowledgeable on your cat’s history.
If your cat is outdoors, it needs to have a tagged collar. Cats can travel far, and a tag will help you find the cat easier if they get lost. Even if the tag just has your phone number, it can be the difference between your pet coming home and being lost forever.
It can be tough to keep cats off the countertops. If your cat is high, he can see everything that is going on. You can remedy this by creating some place up high that you can can enjoy hanging out in. The use of a cat tower within your kitchen or close by can help make the cats stay off the counter.
Be sure to show your cat affection as much as possible. They give lots of affection and need some in return. Cats thrive when treated like part of the household, so involve them in daily activities around the house. They probably would like to feel as though they are a wanted part of the family.
Prevent crystals from forming in the urine of male cats with the right diet. This problem is painful for the cat and to your wallet, as well. Let your cat have food that doesn’t have a lot of magnesium in it. The best way to find out is to read the label. Fish products are usually higher in magnesium.
Create a tablecloth that your cats can use. Cats will sometimes pluck food from the bowl and enjoy it straight off the ground. That means you will have to tidy up the food left beside the cat bowl. You can also use any type of mat underneath your cat’s eating apparatus to reduce the mess.
Why is your cat meowing? If you live with a cat for any amount of time, you will soon start to understand what your cat wants when she meows. She could be signaling that she is hungry, or she might want to go outside. Make sure you are paying attention in order to better understand your cat.
Acclimate your cat to a cat carrier. Cats don’t react to punishment like dogs do. Encouragement is a better way to get your cats to perform. You should place a toy or a blanket inside the carrier and place it in an area where it will be noticed by your cat. Over time the cat will not be stressed about the carrier and will enter it voluntarily. As the cat becomes used to being in the carrier, it will become easier to transport them in it.
Feeding your cat the proper canned food is ideal. Dry food is less expensive, but there are added benefits to be had in canned cat food. There is more water in canned food and more protein and fat too. As your cat ages, canned food is more easily chewed. Speak with your veterinarian, but keep this tip in mind.
Your cat’s choice to potty outside the litter box could signal something more worrisome than misbehavior. There are a number of medical issues that can cause your cat to suddenly stop using their box. Kidney, bladder and infection issues can make this occur. Be sure to go see your vet if your cat stops using its box.
If you have a pregnant cat ready to birth her babies, be sure she has enough space. It could take 3-4 hours for every kitten to arrive, so be patient. If it has been more than six hours and you believe more kittens are still inside your cat, you need to get her to the vet right away.
There are some thing that you eat that may not be good for your cat. Examples include garlic, grapes, green tomatoes and onions. Your cat can get very sick from eating these foods. Milk is also not especially good for your cat’s stomach.
Pet cats should not be allowed to spend time outdoors or away from its home for long periods of time. Indoor cats live longer than others allowed to walk around the neighborhood freely. Roaming around the house doesn’t cause as much risk as roaming the wild.
Overfeeding your cat can dramatically affect its future health. Your cat could become obese and develop some health issues. Don’t overfeed your cat and ensure that his diet is healthy.
Keep an eye out for places you want the cat to stay away from. Cats are able to fit through gaps that are very small. You could easily lose a kitten. Take care of this issue when you have a new cat coming into your home. Cover or repair large holes you see.
Think about having your cat be indoors-only. Cats left outside have significantly lower lifespans, and are susceptible to many diseases and parasites. Your family, in turn, could get sick from your cat. Make sure kitty has a nice, sunny window to enjoy instead.
Your kitty is a member of your family that you should want to take good care of. Now that you’ve come to the end of this article, you know how to care for your precious kitty. These ideas will keep your cat as healthy as possible. The love you give your cat will be returned unconditionally.