If you understand good cat care, you will have yourself a wonderful pet. A cat owner like you should take time to learn about proper cat care and to use this advice to help your cat live a wonderful life. The following cat advice will be of great help.
Drape Cords
Don’t let your cats play with drape cords. These can cause your cat to choke if they get a hold of it. This is an extreme choking hazard and should be prevented at all costs. Keep all drape cords out of reach as a preventative measure.
It can be hard to stop your cat from coming on your counters. Cats like to be up high, where they can watch everything going on. One way to nip this problem in the bud is to give your cat a dedicated perch of their own as an alternative to using your space. A cat tower near your kitchen can give them a place to watch you that is out of the way.
You can also consider outfitting your cat with a chip so you can monitor its whereabouts. Even cats who live completely indoors may someday decide to bolt out the door or escape out of a window. Tags and collars are great, but if a cat escapes them, there’s no guaranteeing they’ll make it home safe and sound. A microchip will hold the contact information to reach you and it’s only about as big as a piece of rice. Scanners to read pet microchips are available in every town and they will not come out from under the skin.
You should be sure to place your pet’s litter box in a good location. Keep the litter from the cat food, and avoid placing it in a busy area. Choose an area that is well-ventilated to avoid bad smells. Your cat will be more comfortable and you will too.
It is likely that your feline friend enjoys grooming his fur. Your cat can get hairballs in the event that their hair is too long. Buy your cat specialized food to prevent this problem. Some foods are enriched in fibers and vitamins to facilitate the digestion of the hairballs.
Children usually take well to cats, but if you have a small child, you may need to provide some instruction. Teach your kids the right way to hold a cat. Teach them about appropriate activities and how to gentle pick up the cat. Cats don’t have strong bones like dogs do, so they need to be treated gently.
Make a tablecloth that your cat can use. Cats sometimes like to eat food outside of their bowl. This habit means you will end up with cat food on the floor to clean up. Simply place a cloth placemat that will grab at the food under their plate and then shaken out over the trash. You can put a vinyl one underneath that can be picked up wiped down easily if you prefer.
Is your home also the home of both a dog and cat? Keep in mind that the two animals have separate dietary needs, and dogs will try cat food if given the chance. For this reason, you need to place your cat’s bowl in an area that is to high for a dog to reach. The added benefit is that you will prevent fights over the other animals food and water when one of them runs out.
Use a brush on your cat regularly. This will help spread the natural oils within their fur while stimulating their skin’s blood flow. It also gets rid of shedding hair. This can reduce hairballs which can be harmful to a cat and build up in their stomachs.
Do not throw away your cat’s scratching post because it is starting to look very old and worn. You may believe that it’s in terrible condition, but cats typically prefer it this way. When you bring in a new post, the cat may ignore it.
Keep a breakaway collar and tag on your cat. This is important even if your pet lives indoors. Even the tamest indoors cat can be tempted by the possibilities presented by an open door or window. Your cat’s identification tags should provide your contact info and that of your veterinarian. This is also essential if they have specific medical needs.
Haired Cats
Before bringing home a long-haired cat, consider the extra care involved. While long haired cats are soft and look great, understand that there will be a lot more fur around the rest of the house. These breeds are best left to those with the time and energy to do a lot of cleaning. It should also be noted that long haired cats are much more susceptible to hairballs.
Your kitty’s litter box should be strategically placed. Your first instinct will be to put it in a nook or cranny so that you won’t see or smell it. Make sure that your cat can get to its litter box very easily. Cats can be finicky; that’s why you should give them space for their litter box that is familiar and does not put them off. If the litter box is on a hard surface, make sure to put something soft underneath it.
Some food you eat isn’t good to feed your cat. These can include chocolate, grapes, onions and tomatoes. They can really hurt a cat if ingested. In addition, milk can also upset your cat’s stomach.
Always keep your declawed cat indoors. The cat will be unable to defend itself against other cats or animals, risking injury or even death. Indoor cats can be declawed, though. The front claws should be the only ones removed. A cat’s back claws are important to his balance.
Proper care of your pet cat is essential to his happiness and yours. In order to become a good cat owner, check out the advice contained in this article and take it to heart. As long as you put this knowledge to you, your cat will love you every day.