When your cat is not sleeping, distractions should be provided. If left alone, cats can scratch up all your furniture. You can prevent this by giving them cat toys specifically made for them. You can learn about a lot of great ones in the following post.
Check out your local shelter if you are thinking about getting a cat. Many shelters are overcrowded with lovable and adoptable cats. Adopting from a pet shelter benefits the cat population.
If your cat is female, then ensure you spay her as soon as you can. You may believe that this is unnecessary if your cat stays inside all the time; however, cats almost always find a way to get outside, especially when they are in heat. When this occurs, your cat could get pregnant. Getting your cat spayed is a great way to stop this from going on.
Take your cat to the vet every year. They need a routine check-up every year, maybe more of important shots are necessary. Cats should go to a vet immediately if they have any conditions, health problems, or injuries that need to be tended to right away.
Your cat needs a collar and tag if it goes outside. Cats sometimes travel a bit when outside, and a tag prevents any mishaps due to your cat being lost. The tag needs your phone number and cat’s name at the minimum.
Get a microchip for your cat. Even an indoor cat may find a way out of your home. A tagged collar might help get kitty home, but it can just as easily come off if snagged on a branch. Your name and the best way to contact you can be encoded on the chip, which is tiny. Nearly every vet and shelter owns a scanner which can read a microchip, and since they’re implanted, there isn’t a risk of the chip falling out or getting lost.
Find cat medicine online if you want to get discounts. Naturally, some stuff won’t be available online. However, for standard medications, like flea medications or heart worm pills, online sources offer a substantial savings to pet owners.
Keep smaller children away from pets as they are typically too aggressive. Teach your children how to handle a cat. You should show them everything from how to properly carry the cat to the best ways to play with it. Cats don’t have strong bones like dogs do, so they need to be treated gently.
Put a cloth down in your cat’s eating area. Cat’s will often remove food from their bowl to eat it. This leaves food on the floor outside their bowl that must be cleaned. There are two ways to do this. You can either put a placemat under the food bowl or use some stray fabric that you have lying around. Either way, you can easily get rid of debris by dumping them in the garbage.
Make sure your kids know the rules before kitty comes home. Let your children know what rooms you will allow the cat to go into. If you’re planning on keeping your kitty inside full time, make sure your kids know their pet shouldn’t go outdoors. Creating rules and boundaries will help the children learn what is allowed.
Litter Box
Don’t think that you can teach a cat to use its litter box. This is a natural instinct for felines, and it need not be taught. Don’t try to force them into the litter box by rubbing their paws or face in it.
Make sure that you brush your cat’s coat often. This will help stimulate blood flow. Additionally, brushing helps to expedite hair shedding. This prevents hairballs, which can cause choking, and builds up in the cat’s stomach from self grooming.
If your cat urinates frequently or outside his box, you may need to talk to your vet. Many cats develop these behaviors in response to a health problem, such as urinary tract infections. A quick course of antibiotics can head off dangerous complications if you get your cat diagnosed and treated early enough.
Pay attention if your cat won’t use their litter box. Abandoning proper litter box habits is often a warning sign of serious health problems in cats. A potential bladder or kidney infection may be the reason for this. Ask your vet if your cat begins missing the litter box.
If your cat will not use the litter box, try placing it at a different spot in your home. Instinctively, cat’s will search out a safe place to eliminate, so try relocating the litter box to a quiet and secluded area. Great suggestions include your basement and laundry room.
Do not give cat medications intended for humans. A visit to the veterinarian will ensure that your pet receives the proper medication. Drugs and medicines designed for human consumption can cause serious health problems for cats, and in extreme cases, can even be fatal.
Health Issues
Do not overfeed your cat since this can lead to a lot of health issues in the future. If your cat eats too much, it may end up being overweight and have health issues. Be careful to feed your cat the proper portion amount, and also make sure that his food is packed with vital vitamins and nutrients.
Keep your cat inside if you don’t want him getting fleas, rabies or anything else. Even though a cat can still get those conditions from being indoors, outside is where it is most likely to occur.
Keep your cat from being destructive within the home by providing forms of distraction. Prevent damage to your furniture and belongings. Use the recommendations in this piece as you pick toys with which to occupy your cat.