Clawtastic Tips For Better Cat Care And Love

Feral cats are those without a home. These abandoned cats make up about half of the entire population of domestic cats, and are often a nuisance in urban locations. Dealing with this issue costs businesses a lot of money due to lost customers.
Scratching Post
Cats can really scratch up your home. Think about a scratching post or kitty tower if your cat’s claws become a problem. When your cat scratches inappropriately, redirect him to the scratching post. They may not take to it overnight, but they should eventually.
Male felines tend to get crystals in the urine that can be prevented with proper diet. A cat passing the crystals can be very hurtful with an expensive vet bill to boot. Food with a low magnesium content will help. Check the ingredients list on the label. Fish-based foods usually contain more magnesium than poultry-based foods.
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